Save point
WORK : work is optional is provided by ANSI compatibility
SAVEPOINT: is optional and is used to rollback a partial transaction, as far as the specified save point
Savepoint marks and save the current point in the processing of a transaction . When the savepoint is used with a ROLLBACK statement, parts of a transaction can be undone an active savepoint is one that is specified since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
Syn:- SAVEPOINT savepointname
ROLLBACK can be fired from the sql prompt with or without the savepoint clause. The implementation of each is described below.
A ROLLBACK operation with out the savepoint clause amounts to the following.
- Ends the transaction
- Undoes all the changes in the current transaction.
- Erases all savepoints in that transaction
- Releases the transactional locks.
A ROLLBACK operation with the to SAVEPOINT clause amounts to the following
- A predetermined portion of the transaction is rolled back.
- Retains the save point rolled back to, but loses those created after the named savepoint.
- Releases all transactional locks that were acquired since the savepoint was taken.
Ex:- 1) insert into vision values(111,’tanuja’,210);
2) select * from vision;
3) rollback;
4) select * from vision;
5) insert into vision values(111,’tanuja’,210);
6) select * from vision;
7) commit;
8) rollback;
9) select * from vision;
10) update vision set sal=1000 where na=’ratna’;
11) savepoint sav;
12) select * from vision;
13) update vision set sal =sal +1000 where na=’sekhar’;
14) select * from vision;
15) rollback to savepoint sav;
16) select * from vision;
17) rollback;
18) select * from vision;
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