Aggregate Functions

AVG:-      It returns average value of n nos ignoring nulls
Syn:-         AVG(col-name/exp)
Ex:-           select avg(sal) from vision;
MIN:-       It returns the minimum value of the given expression
Syn:-         MIN(col-name/exp)
Ex:-           select min(sal) from vision;
COUNT:- It returns the number of rows in the table for exp excluding duplicates.
Syn:-         COUNT(col-name/expr)
Ex:-           select count(eno) from vision;
COUNT(*):-        It returns the number of rows in the table including duplicates.
Syn:-                     COUNT(*)
Ex:-                       select count(*) from vision;
MAX:-      It returns the maximum value of the given expression.
Syn:-         MAX(colname/exp)
Ex:-           select max(sal) from vision;

GREATEST:-     It is used to find the greatest value of the given numbers
Syn:-         GREATEST(values list)
Ex:-           select greatest(10,44,5,44,32,34,5) from dual;
SUM:-       It returns the sum value of the given expression.
Syn:-         SUM(colname/exp)
Ex:-           select sum(sal) from vision;

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