Default Value
At the time of table creation a default values can ne assigned to a column. When the user is loading a record with values and leaves this column empty, the oracle engine will automatically load this column with the dfaulet value specified . the data type of the default value should match the data type of the column. You can use the DEFAULT clause to specify a default value for a column.
- The datatype of the default values should match the data type of the column.
- Character and date values should be in single quotes
- If a column leval constraint us defined on the column with a default value , the default values clause must precede the constraint definition .
Syntax:- 1)columnname datatype(size) default (value);
2) columnname datatype(size) default(value) constraint definition;
Ex:-1) create table stock (icode number(5),name varchar2(20),
qty number(5) default(10));
Insert into stock values(100,’surf’,20);
Insert into stock (icode,name) values(200,’oils’);
Select * from stock;
2) create table stock1(icode number(5) default 5 not null,na varchar2(20),
qty number(5));
insert into stock1 values(100,’froots’,2000);
insert into stock1(na,qty) values (‘oils’,4000);
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