

The ng-if directive creates or removes an HTML element based on the Boolean value returned from the specified expression. If an expression returns true then it recreates an element otherwise removes an element from the HTML document.


The ng-readonly directive makes an HTML element read-only, based on the Boolean value returned from the specified expression. If an expression returns true then the element will become read-only, otherwise not.


The ng-disabled directive disables an HTML element, based on the Boolean value returned from the specified expression. If an expression returns true the element will be disabled, otherwise not.
The following example demonstrates ng-if, ng-readonly, and ng-disabled directives.
Example: ng-if, ng-readonly, ng-disabled.

<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
div {
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
display: block;
margin: 15px 0 0 10px;
<body ng-app ng-init="checked=true" >
Click Me: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checked" /> <br />
New: <input ng-if="checked" type="text" />
Read-only: <input ng-readonly="checked" type="text" value="This is read-only." />
Disabled: <input ng-disabled="checked" type="text" value="This is disabled." />


AngularJS directives can be applied to DOM elements in many ways. It is not mandatory to use ng- syntax only.

Directive can start with x- or data-, for example ng-model directive can be written as data-ng-model or x-ng-model.

Also, the - in the directive can be replaced with : or _ or both. For example, ng-model can be written as ng_model or ng:model. It can also be a mix with data- or x-.
The following example demonstrates all the rules of a directive syntax.

Example: Directives syntax variation.

<html >
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app>
<h2>Directive Syntax Variations</h2>
Enter Name:  <input type="text" ng-model="name" /> <br />
data-ng-bind: <span data-ng-bind="name"></span><br />
data-ng:bind: <span data-ng:bind="name"></span><br />
data:ng:bind: <span data:ng:bind="name"></span><br />
x:ng:bind:    <span x:ng:bind="name"></span><br />
ng:bind:      <span ng:bind="name"></span><br />
x-ng-bind:    <span x-ng-bind="name"></span><br />
x_ng_bind:    <span x_ng_bind="name"></span><br />
ng_bind:      <span ng_bind="name"></span>

Directive Other Exaple:
<title>AngularJS Directives</title>
<h1>Sample Application</h1>
<div ng-app = "" ng-init = "countries = [{locale:'en-IND',name:'India'}, {locale:'en-PAK',name:'Pakistan'}, {locale:'en-AUS',name:'Australia'}]">
<p>Enter your Name: <input type = "text" ng-model = "name"></p>
<p>Hello <span ng-bind = "name"></span>!</p>
<p>List of Countries with locale:</p>
<li ng-repeat = "country in countries">
{{ 'Country: ' + + ', Locale: ' + country.locale }}
<script src = "angular.min.js"></script>



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